# SSG KIM GWANG-HYUN IS ANGRY, "ARE WE IN THE BOTTOM TIER? I JUST HAVE TO DO WELL" Director Lee Soong-yong leaves full authority to Kim Gwang-hyun... “I have to do well for the team to do well.” Professional baseball SSG Landers ace Kim Gwang-hyun (35) received virtually full authority from coach Lee Soong-yong this season. You can choose everything from which position in the starting rotation to the number of pitches, dedicated catcher, and pitch interval. Kim Gwang-hyun, who made his first appearance in this year's exhibition game against KT Wiz held at KT Wiz Park in Suwon on the 11th, met with reporters after the game and said, "Until now, my style was to leave everything to the team. **[카지노사이트위키](https://www.casinositewiki.com)** (The manager told me to take charge of it), so I kept the number of pitches within 100. I set a goal of pitching 6 innings. My performance was better when I pitched every 5 days rather than every 4 days, so I think it would be better to take 5 days off if possible. And I think it would be okay to be left out of the starting lineup once in a while when it's hot. “It would be good for the team and for me,” he said. Receiving this level of authority from the manager is itself an unprecedented thing. This is a passage that confirms Kim Gwang-hyun’s status and trust in SSG. Gwang-Hyeon Kim said, "The coach said, 'You can do whatever you want,' but you can't just say that the ball is not good from the first inning. I think the team will run well only if I do well. “The team’s performance was always good in the years I did well,” he explained. Kim Gwang-hyun is also likely to take the mound in the opening game against the Lotte Giants at SSG Landers Field in Incheon on the 23rd. Kim Gwang-hyun said, “It’s something that can’t be hidden. I think he will be a starter in the opening game. I have to go out first. He showed a sense of responsibility, saying, "I need to throw with more confidence." On this day, Gwang-Hyun Kim pitched well against the KT batting lineup, allowing 2 hits, 2 strikeouts, and no runs in 3 innings. The maximum speed of his fastball was up to 145 km/h. Gwang-Hyun Kim said, "This time last year, I was not in shape, so I missed the World Cup. I had a lot of worries ahead of the [World Baseball Classic](https://www.behance.net/gallery/194335731/Korean-Big-Leaguer-Exhibition-Game-Canceled-Due-to-Rain) (WBC). “Compared to that, this year is not bad,” he said. “It’s still chilly in Korea, but it will get warmer as the weather warms up.” Kim Gwang-hyun, who was talking about the team atmosphere, seemed to suddenly remember something and raised his voice, saying, "There is something that bothers me. They classified us as the bottom tier." He said, "It doesn't make sense. I've almost never been to the postseason. Some people predicted us to be in 7th place, but I've never seen that prediction come true." In fact, Gwang-Hyeon Kim is a player who has experienced numerous fall baseball games. Even with Kim Gwang-hyun playing, the team was eliminated from the postseason only twice: in 2013 and 2016, when it finished in 6th place. Gwang-Hyun Kim joined the St. Louis Cardinals of the Major League Baseball (MLB) in 2020 and played for two seasons, where the team also entered the postseason. Gwang-Hyun Kim said, "I think we will do as well as last year (3rd place in the regular season). We had a chance to win last year as well. I wasn't able to do it and a foreign pitcher got injured in the middle, so I think we lost 8 wins." He added, "In the end, I wasn't able to do it. “I didn’t win,” he said. Last season, [Gwang-Hyun Kim](https://disqus.com/channel/discusssports/discussion/channel-discusssports/korean_big_leaguer_exhibition_game_canceled_due_to_rain/) had 9 wins, 8 losses, and an ERA of 3.53 in 30 games, ending his streak of seven consecutive seasons with double-digit wins. Gwang-Hyun Kim set a potential season goal of 14 wins, saying, “We need to win 5 more than last year.”