# What is a visual hierarchy in web design? From the term, you can easily recognize that visual hierarchy is a way of arranging all the elements in the web design in a hierarchical way depending on their importance. Or we can say it is the process by which designers can rank the design element and display it in the way you want your site visitors to view them. A menu icon is always displayed on the top so that users can easily access other information quickly. Like that there are other visuals arranged in a hierarchical way so that users can easily communicate with the page and website. A visual hierarchy is created by mapping various elements like the color, shape, position, contract, and more with a goal to create a web page that makes sense. Today almost every user experiences these types of visual hierarchy in their day-to-day life. Having a good visual hierarchy can help you to offer an optimized experience to your site visitors. So before we move ahead with defining Key principles of visual hierarchy principles that can help you to improve your website UX and usability. Let’s understand why having a good visual hierarchy is essential for your website and business. Read More: [How To Use Visual Hierarchy To Improve Website Usability And UX?](https://www.sfwpexperts.com/how-to-use-visual-hierarchy-to-improve-website-usability-and-ux/) Visit Site: [website designer san francisco agency](https://www.sfwpexperts.com/) Blog Links: [type of e mail](https://www.sfwpexperts.com/email-marketing-series10-different-types-of-emails-every-businesses-should-send/) [social media marketing](https://www.sfwpexperts.com/inbound-marketing-series-what-is-social-media-marketing-smm-5-core-pillars-of-social-media-marketing/)