**What are the different types of coffee?** This can be regarded as a very popular question among a lot of coffee lovers these days. As we all know, there are a number of varieties of coffee that are currently available and each one of them has a certain characteristic essence as well as flavor. Here, we will be discussing in detail about the **[different types of coffee](https://wakeposts.com/types-of-coffee/)**. So, without further delay, let’s take a look at these interesting types of coffee and their characteristics. **Americano coffee** It is appropriate to say that americano coffee is quite simply just hot water and espresso. It could either be served 1/2 and 1/2 or 1/3 espresso to 2/3 water. This usually depends on the coffee shop. In addition to that, there is a dispute regarding whether the espresso or the water should be added first. But, it is highly recommended that in the case of the americano, espresso should always be added first. This is because of the fact that the crema mixes in and creates a more mellow, even taste. But again, some people may add it depending on their personal choice. In addition to that, while most other espresso-based coffee drinks include milk, the americano surely stands out amongst them. **Cortado coffee, one of the different types of coffee** Cortado coffee can be regarded as a newcomer to the world of coffee. The term ‘Cortado’ translates into cut. This means that the coffee is cut with milk. This coffee is made of equal parts espresso and steamed milk. In addition to that, it is served with a double shot espresso. An interesting thing about this coffee is that unlike other coffee types, the milk isn’t texturised. This coffee is made with lightly steamed milk. Thus, there is no froth or foam. An advantage of this coffee is that, the steamed milk on top reduces the acidity of the coffee. It also creates a micro-foam that doesn’t separate from the espresso. This provides a strong and rich flavor to the coffee. **Mocha coffee** As we have already stated, there are different types of coffee and each one has a distinct taste and flavor. This coffee has a deliciously sweet, nutty and chocolatey flavor. The term 'mocha' means a type of good quality coffee that is made from a specific type of coffee bean. The beans are obtained from the plant species called Coffee Arabica. As per reports, it was originally only grown in Mocha, Yemen and this resulted in its name ‘mocha’. The term also signifies a mixture of coffee and chocolate. On the other hand, it can also indicate a mixture that tastes of this combination. Thus, it is evident that it has a number of meanings and because of that a mocha is often interpreted differently across the world. But, the basic aspect of this coffee is that it is a shot of espresso which is combined with a chocolate powder or syrup, followed by milk or cream. It is appropriate to say that the mocha is a variant of a latte. This is because of the fact that it is often 1/3 espresso and 2/3 steamed milk. The only difference is that, in this case, a chocolate flavor is added. This could be milk chocolate or dark.chocolate. **Conclusion** Thus, from our discussion of the topic, “different types of coffee”, it can be concluded that there are a number of different flavors of coffee that are currently available. Each one is different and has a distinct taste as well. Here, we have discussed three of the most common varieties in detail. Thus, this discussion can be regarded as extremely useful for all the coffee lovers out there. Read More- **[tallest building in the world](https://wakeposts.com/tallest-building-in-the-world/)**