When choosing lab diamonds, clarity is an important aspect. In this matter, it is worth paying attention to the differences between VS1 and VS2 clarity diamonds, which are discussed in detail at https://labrilliante.com/about-us/labrilliante-blog/lab-grown-diamond-clarity-vs1-v2 . A VS1 (Very Slightly Included 1) clarity diamond means that the stone contains only very small inclusions that are difficult to see even under high magnification. These inclusions usually do not affect the visual perception of the stone or its brilliance, making diamonds with this clarity grade an excellent choice for those who want a high quality stone without noticeable flaws. On the other hand, VS2 grade diamonds also have small inclusions, but they may be slightly more noticeable under magnification. However, for most people, these flaws remain invisible unless the stone is viewed under a microscope. This makes VS2 diamonds a more affordable option compared to VS1, which can be helpful if you are looking for a better balance between quality and price. The Lab Brilliante website provides useful information to help you make an informed choice. They provide detailed descriptions and visual examples, making it easy to compare both clarity grades and see which one better suits your preferences and budget. If you want a high quality diamond that will delight you with its beauty and brilliance, it's worth reading the recommendations on Lab Brilliante and making an informed choice.