# **Legal vs Illegal Steroids: Which One is Safe to Choose?** The present-day body-building techniques are largely based on diet and supplements. While intense workout sessions form a major part, external supplementation is a non-negotiable. ***Anabolic steroids mostly uplift the flow of testosterone in your body. While men need the hormone in lower quantities, women suffer a testosterone scarcity.*** The male sex hormone enhances muscle building, provides bone density and aids strength. Their intake can bring massive changes in your body and pump up your energy levels. However, most anabolic steroids are also associated with a wide range of negative effects. Thus bodybuilders seek to find better and safer options to aid their needs. In our discussion today let us compare the two kinds of steroids and decide on which ones to choose. ## **What is the Difference Between Legal and Illegal Steroids?** The use of steroids per se became popular among athletes and gymgoers due to their quick results. They support early gains and can improve your athletic performance. ***Although illegal steroids come with a lot of considerations that could hamper your health. Legal steroids on the other hand are safe and give similar results.*** The major points of comparison between the two classes of drugs are as follows – * Illegal steroids are lab-produced, using specific chemical combinations for instant gains. Legal steroids though could be any dietary supplement promoting muscle health and size. * The composition of illegal steroids boosts hormones, especially mimicking testosterone activity. Legal steroids uplift your comprehensive health by aiding nutritional needs along with hormone balance. * ***Illegal steroids are prescription-only drugs*** that might land you into trouble if consumed otherwise. Legal ones, made of natural substances are available easily without a prescription. * One reason illegal steroids are preferred despite being banned is instant results. The hormone changes show quick differences in your body and muscle volume. On the other hand, legal supplements take a bit longer to show effects and are long-lasting. > Consuming illegal steroids increases the chances of you suffering from health issues. Legal ones are milder and thus pose a much lower risk of harming your health. Liver issues, aggression, fertility concerns and skin allergies are some of the side effects of illegal steroids. Legal steroids enhance the overall function of the body and don’t come with such a huge bag of ill impacts. This comparison can help you understand the basic differences between the two. The rising popularity of these drugs is due to their impact on your body. Considering their benefits, some steroids are still legal in bodybuilding. Brands like Crazy Bulk have come up with legal alternatives to these drugs. Winsol and Anvarol are legal [**steroids for strength not size**](https://bigandripped.com/best-steroids-for-strength/) that really work and give impactful results. In the next section let us talk about the benefits and effects of these legal steroids. ## **Do Legal Steroids Work and Are They Safe to Use?** As discussed, many brands have now started making milder formulation steroids. These not only support your gym needs but also ensure low chances of side effects. *Instead of highly active hormones, the formula of legal steroids comprises natural ingredients. With mild testosterone extract, these supplements contain creatine, caffeine, amino acids, proteins and DMAA.* Legal steroids for muscle growth also enhance endurance and athletic performance. They are effective and at the same time safe to use. These are excellent training supplements and can boost your holistic health. While creatine strengthens muscle tissues, protein aids lean muscle mass. Further Amino acids provide stamina and caffeine gives the push needed during intense gym hours. [**Best steroids for powerlifting**](https://bigandripped.com/best-steroids-for-strength/) contain a perfect mix of these elements and nutrients. Some of the changes you can hope to see with regular use of these steroids include – 1. Increased amount of lean muscle mass with less water retention. 1. High energy levels and improved stamina for gym time. 1. Healthy muscle mass and lower body fat percentage. 1. Quick muscle recovery post-workout and delayed fatigue. 1. Stronger bones and better balance. 1. Improved metabolism and digestion with a healthy body composition. 1. Higher red blood cell production and better immune function. Besides aiding a muscular physique they also have very few negative impacts. These performance enhancers provide you benefits similar to those of anabolic steroids with no long-term damage. Well, the good news is they also come without a prescription from your nearest stores! ## **Conclusion - Is Legal Steroids are Safer Than Illegal Steroids?** Legal steroids are on to becoming the most loved gym supplements among bodybuilders. Their impressive results draw the attention of gym enthusiasts from all age groups. Further comprising natural ingredients they can be consumed by a large part of users. Additionally, fewer side effects make them a preferable choice against anabolic steroids. Not only are these beneficial during training but also enhance the long term health of the user. They are safer alternatives to illegal drugs and help maintain the natural hormonal flow. Thus proper consultation with your medical expert too becomes important. Your body responses and genes also play a crucial role in deciding the overall effects of the meds. To sum it all up, sticking to these legal alternatives can aid your workout efforts and their results. So while packing your gym kit, make sure to keep a bottle of these pills handy.